Art Therapy

 We are forever engaging our #Chakras !!!

Chakras are the energy nodes in our body . These nodes are the seat of certain emotions . The chakras when in alignment, help us experience good health and vigor. In case these chakras get #imbalanced , disease or illness plagues us .

Every activity that we do is somehow or the other linked to our chakras .

An activity like painting / drawing / art form requires us to be in touch with our #swadhisthan chakra , the chakra which lies near the curve of our lumbar spine. This is the area of creativity . 

Not only that the #colours that we use also enbalm our while doing resin art, I used blue and green ....which soothed my heart and throat chakra.

Art has forever been known to help us connect ourselves with our own inner selves....

Next time when you engage in any activity , be in awareness of the fact that you are engaging with your chakras .....

#reiki #chakras #swadhisthan #harachakra #chakrahealing #arttherapy #colours #resinart #seashells #shells #colourtherapy #reikigrandmaster #reikigrandmasterdraditibhatnagar #draditibhatnagar #draditiibhatnagar 


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