Read Aura 's

          Can you READ aura !!!

                  With Reiki !!!!

Reading an individual's #aura using Reiki involves using intuitive perception and energetic sensitivity while applying Reiki energy

A person's aura is an energetic field surrounding the physical body. It can provide insight into their emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

The process involves 

🪷Centering the self 

🪷Connecting & activating #Reiki

🪷Scanning the Aura

🪷Observing the sensation and intutive insights that one gets while scanning

🪷Clearing the auricular #blockages on the way 

🪷Communicating the observations to the recipient post session 

🪷Planning a way ahead on how to proceed with the #healing 

It's important to note that aura reading with Reiki relies heavily on the practitioner's intuition and personal interpretation. 

I personally like to use tools like #crystals or #pendulums to assist in the process, as they help me be more accurate , and crystals by their very nature are healing in nature so a simultaneous healing is also initiated within the recipients body .

Have you ever got an aura scan done !!!!

Trust me it is an important step in self love 

 #reikigrandmasterdraditibhatnagar #reikihealing 

#reikigrandmaster #psychic #draditibhanagar #draditiibhatnagar #automaticwriting #akashikrecords #aurareading #auraclearing #longdistancehealing #wellness #emotionalhealing #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #spirituality 


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