Be Grateful πŸ’œ

 This is a lesson we all keep learning every now and then. There will always be people who will be helpful to us or will hurt us , but in a span of some time, you find them disappear from our lives . Some you remember starkly because they hurt you ( remember, remembering hurt is easier than remembering joy , as joy is a butterfly and it is light, so it keeps you smiling . Hurt , betrayal , dejection , rejection , and disappointment are heavier , low vibrational states which the body takes time to process and also stores within it in some form to help you deal with it ) 

The way to let it go , or to put in a softer manner, release it is to have gratitude for the person who was the channel of the hurt that you are experiencing. 

It takes time , and it might get downright difficult , but let's understand, the moment we start seeing the person who hurt you as a mere channel to teach you lessons , it becomes a little more easier . 

Have a Grateful day πŸ™πŸ»

Om Sai Ram 



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